Everyday someone asks me:

“How do I lose weight?” they always say

“I’ve tried EVERYTHING” they always say

“I always eat healthy” they always say

However, Eating healthy doesn’t always mean you can lose weight, if you are not eating enough food during the day your body will start to store fat.  So I wanted to share some of my top tips with you to help you get started.

1: If it says LOWFAT on the package its screaming
low nutrients & hidden sugar that will keep you on a
blood sugar roller coaster all day.

2: Stick to 3 meals per day, made up of
meat / fish.  Loads of green vegetables to
control & level your blood sugar.

3: Exercise 2-3 times a week.

4: Eat a protein rich breakfast as your first meal.
Ditch all cereals even if YOU “think” they are healthy

 5: Ditch the dairy for fatloss. Up your green veggies every meal for
calcium & fatbusting nutrients.

 6: Sugar is the enemy not fat.It’s highly addictive for the brain
Cut it out & watch for hidden sugars in tinned/packaged/processed
food & drink.

7: Intermittent fasting for 18 – 22 hours is useful tool
to rest the digestive system & get the body utilising your fat
for fuel.

8: Get a slow cooker & use your microwave less. Microwaving food
changes the molecular structure of food.

9: Cook with coconut oil & dress your food with high quality
virgin olive oil .

10:Rotate your meats & fishes every day. Don’t eat the same food
day in & day out.

11: Stress makes you fat! The body releases more cortisol into
bloodstream which is the fat storing hormone.

12: The further we move away from nature the fatter we become.

13: Ditch cows milk. Substitute with Almond or Hazelnut milk.

14: The more toxic the body is – the fatter we become. Detoxify the cells & liver first by eliminating wheat, gluten, dairy, alcohol.

15: Fruit is the most heavily sprayed crop with pesticides.
Pesticides cause toxicity, messes with your thryroid & hormones.
Choose organic & seasonal if possible.

16: Good quality sleep is key for fastloss. Switch off all
phones, stand by on TV & all electronic items.

17, Drink plenty of water 2-3 ltrs per day if possible.

Now go and put some of my top tips in to practice and see how you feel.

Have a lovely week x