Slim and Toned for the Summer!

We have just finished doing a fantastic April’s Challenge through our facebook page.

We were overwhelmed to have over 1000 people log in to the event in which we posted 5 minute video workouts for people to follow. Just 5 minutes of your time to help tone up, feel fitter and increase your energy levels. The feed back was amazing and we are here to help you get healthier.

These workouts were designed around the HIT principle. High Intensity, Low duration which has been shown to help boost your metabolism, increase energy expenditure and enable your body to increase its Fat Burning capabilities.

Below is our suggestion for a quick, fat burning workout but before you start here are my top tips to design a workout of your own.

  • Work for Short Duration, High Intensity e.g. 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest.
  • Make some of the moves as Explosive as possible e.g. Squat Jumps rather than just Squats.
  • Work as many different muscles within each exercise as you can.
  • Add short cardio bursts within the circuit such as sprints.
  • Mix Resistance such as Body Weight/Dumbells with your Cardio moves.
  • Aim for at least 3 sessions a week and implement your weight-loss tips from last week’s email into your routine for the best possible results.


Here it is. All you need to do is complete each exercise for 30 seconds, take a 10 second rest and then move onto the next one. Simples!!!!

If you struggle to know what an exercise is just simple type the name into a search engine and you should easily find how to do it.


1. Squat Jumps (Squat if you need a lower impact option)

2. Press-Ups with Side Plank

3. Jumping Jacks.

4. Plank Pulls (In a Plank position, pull your weight forward so your chin goes over you hands                       and then push back).

5. Alternating Jump Lunges (Lunges if you need a lower impact option).

6. High Knee Sprints.

7. Tricep Dips with Single Leg Lift each Rep.

8. Mountain Climbers.

9. Shoulder Press-Ups.

10. Marching Bridges.

Repeat the Circuit to make it harder!

Up-Coming Events:

10th May Clanfield 1st Family Bootcamp!

9.30am at Peel Park, Clanfield. This event is FREE but we are going to try and raise as much money as possible for a great local charity called Grace’s Goal. She is a little girl who has Cerebral Palsy and needs a life changing operation. The family will receive everything raised on the day so every little helps! Hope to see lots of you there.

To ensure you make the most of May and get fit for summer make sure you follow our emails this month to get as many tips and hints as you can to compliment your routine.

Have a good Bank Holiday Guys.

Love the Bootcamp Team x

P.S missed last week’s email on weight loss tips? Click on the link to catch up.

P.P.S keep posted for next weeks email for more Fat Burning Tips on eating.