We all are, it’s an emotion everyone has…………………

But think of the alternative, failure. And failure sucks.

If I had never set up my fitness business 9 years ago I would never have succeeded and be as happy as I am today doing the job I love.

If I would never have started Running when I was 15 years old then I wouldn’t be the runner I am today.

If I had never taken part in events I would have never realized how much I can push myself in coming at least top 3 in most events I do.

If I would never have taken the step to jump out of a plane I would never have experienced the true liberating feeling of free falling.

If I would of never of travelled the world I would have never have come to this little town called Gosport and met all you lovely people.

The Ifs and buts go on, there are so many chances we have in life to sink or swim, choice you can make, things you can change.

Let’s make today the day you swim, cause I promise you, no one was truly happy from never trying.