We are all used to Christmas being the time to eat, drink, and be merry but if you want to reduce your chances of facing January with some extra weight to lose then try follow my tips:  Aim to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum, and while you are indulging drink as much water with your alcohol as possible. This helps to reduce the chances of a sore head the next day.

We all know alcohol carries a lot of calories – but it doesn’t always stop us from drinking a little more than we should this time of year.

Alcohol carries approximately 7 calories per gram. drinking increasing the tenancy to reach for fatty, salty foods – especially if its met with a hangover the next day.

You know where I am coming from right. We all like a good fry up or some stodgy food after a few drinks!!!

Even as a Personal Fitness Trainer I find it hard to resist but it’s all about making better choices. Here are my tips to help.

The following drinks are the highest in calories:

  • Cocktails – Margaritas and Chocolate Martinis especially high!
  • Ready to drink alcopops
  • Beer
  • Liqueurs such as Drambui and Kahula

So try and avoid these!

The following drinks rate the Lowest in Calories:

  • Red and White Wines – the drier the variety the lower the calories.
  • Champagne
  • Light Beers
  • Spirits such as Vodka, Gin and Whiskey – but beware of high sugar mixers!

To help with mixers go for light options and dilute drinks with soda or sparking water where you can.

Drinking water:

Drink plenty of water during the day and throughout the evening will help hugely so try and drink more glasses of water than alcohol!  Keep your body Hydrated.

Eat a Protein enriched meal:

By eating lean protein, and filling your plate with green leafy veg before you head out,  you get all the protein you need to help fill you up, AND all of the nutrients like calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iron, and plenty of vitamins like A, B, C and K.

Green leafy veg has a very low sugar and calorie content, so instead of piling loads of mashed potato on your plate, opt for a stir fry of green vegetables instead to fill you up.

Enjoy your roast turkey, which is naturally lean meat, and tuck in to those tasty green vegetables that are full of vitamins and minerals. But aim to limit your roast potatoes and parsnips especially if they are cooked in goose fat! Watch those big tins of chocolates! Tucking into them absent-mindedly is easily done but a 2kg tin can have as many as 10 000 calories in it! Pick unsalted nuts as a snack rather than the high salted alternative. This will save you calories and stop your body from working overtime to try and rehydrate from the sudden increase in sodium. As much as we would all like to see ourselves as the person who is dedicated enough to go jogging on Christmas day, the reality is that for most of us that is just not going to happen. But what about a brisk afternoon walk? This is a much more realistic ambition so drag your family out and get some fresh air whilst exercising those over indulged bodies. Throughout the festive season try to manage several 30 minute exercise sessions, whether it’s a run, jog, or even a power walk. Any exercise will keep your muscles moving, your body better balanced and the best thing is you will feel much better for it.

Stick to the tips above and come January those jeans will still fit…so let’s make that your goal rather than waiting for that New Year’s Resolution.

In a nutshell enjoy your Christmas but always remember to not over indulge to much as come January you will regret it.