Ab exercises don’t target belly fat

As much as we’d all love 100 crunches to turn into washboard abs it won’t happen without a healthy diet and enough cardio to burn fat Once you reduce your overall body fat, your abs will start to show.

Doing other body weight exercises such as push-ups, burpees, lunges, and squats will help work your ab muscles as well as giving you an all body workout, improving your balance, and strengthening your core.

You can’t speed up the process

No matter how hard you try you can’t speed up the process; a healthy combination of diet and exercise takes time.

If you’re ready to start making some changes, to how you look then come along to one of our sessions were we can help.


Cutting carbs doesn’t mean instant results

It’s a common myth that cutting carbs will give you that toned stomach many of you are after. But eliminating carbs from your diet can actually slow down the fat burning process because your body is unable to function efficiently.

Instead, eating the right kind of carbohydrates such as sweet potato, whole grains such as quinoa and brown rice will help keep you fuller for longer and still give you tones of energy to power through your workout.

Not all abs look the same

Everyone has different genes, so no matter how hard you try you might not be able to achieve the same results as a picture or someone else doing the same training as you.

Instead, take progress pictures so you can see the subtle changes your body is making and you’ll only ever compare your progress to yourself!