…It goes to show by doing a little bit of exercise daily (10 minutes can make a difference!) and eating tasty but REAL food has great results.

I appreciate though that if you read the papers or watch the TV it is confusing over what is good for us and what isn’t…it changes most weeks doesn’t it!

Is a glass a wine a night good for you, or not?

Should you eat eggs or are they bad for your cholesterol?

Do peanuts cause allergies in unborn babies or help stop them?

I get as much confused over all the advice as the next person!

The truth is our bodies are created to function efficiently and without toxins.

Unlike some foods we see on the supermarket selves, the food we ingest is not meant to last for weeks in our digestive system!

We are not meant to drown our bodies in sugar or salt!

Eating Clean is not about bland, boring food that tastes like cardboard.

Its about eating naturally derived food that is tasty, healthy and good for us!

Here are our top tips to help you get started:

1. Get Veggie! Eat more vegetables in each meal which are high in soluble fibre. Great examples are: Spinach, Broccoli, Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus and Peppers. Replacing Starchy Carbohydrates (white potatoes, pasta, rice) with more vegetable per meal time will allow you to have energy from your food but will not effect your ability to burn fat.

2. Lean Protein with Complex Carbs. This helps regulate your insulin and satisfies hunger for longer. Mix your Chicken/Fish/Turkey/Pork with vegetables or salad.

3. Drink Water! Simple, easy to do, but NO ONE does it enough! Aim for 2L per day, especially before you eat to prevent over eating!

4. Organic or Free-Range. What the animals we eat have eaten; or the soil in which our veggies have grown DOES effect us. I really do appreciate organic is expensive but good quality produce allows us to have healthier digestive systems. If its grown in chemicals, it contains chemicals. If the grass its fed on, the corn it eats, or the water it swims in has chemicals in it, so does it! Think about where you buy from. A little change can make a huge difference. Remember you are what you eat!

5. Don’t Skip Breakfast. It really is such an important meal of the day. Like a fire being stoked with wood, your body needs food to fuel your metabolism. A low metabolism = a low calorie burning body! So make sure you start your day off well with a good protein enriched  breakfast.

6. Don’t Load your Body with Sugar. All those ‘healthy’ cereals, ‘Low-Fat’ Yoghurt’s or White Pasta/Bread/Rice is just pumping your body with far too much sugar. This sends your insulin levels sky high and your body starts hanging onto fat instead of burning it. Reduce your sugar intake (including sweeteners…don’t get me started on them!!) where and when ever possible.

7. Get some Spice! Add spices to your food to create flavour and increase antioxidants to your diet.Cooking with Coconut oil, Balsamic and/or Red Wine Vinegar is a healthy way to add flavour to your cooking but keeping it natural. Get Creative!

8. Don’t Over Eat! Watch your portion sizes. 4- 6 smaller meals throughout the day works really well for some people but if you are a 3 meal a day person then watch how much is on your plate! Take your time when eating and STOP when you feel full!

9. No Processed Rubbish! Ditch the ready meals and start cooking from scratch! I know that takes longer and when you are busy with children or working long hours its easier to grab something ready to go, but think about what is in it! Plan your meals so you are prepared with the necessary ingredients and know what you are going to cook. The difference is amazing!

10. Cut the Caffeine! I know we all crave a cup of coffee or tea to get us started or keep us going through the day but limit it where possible. The same applies to Alcohol! Replace your daily hot drinks with digestion supporting herbal teas, green tea or good old lemon and water! Reduce your alcohol intake and enjoy it as a treat, the difference in sugar intake will make a big difference to your tummy!

So why not give it a go!

The extra effort will have huge effects on your energy levels, skin health and weight.

A little change goes a long way!