1: If it says LOWFAT on the package its screaming low nutrients & hidden sugar that will keep you on a blood sugar roller coaster all day..

Tip – Bin ALL low fat / packaged /processed food


2: Stick to 3 meals per day no snacking made up of meat / fish.  Loads of green vegetables & FATS to control & level your blood sugar.


3: Exercise each 3-4 times per week


4: Eat a protein & fat  rich breakfast as your first meal. Ditch all cereals even if YOU “think” they are healthy


5: Ditch the dairy for fatloss.

Up your green veggies & fats every meal for calcium & fatbusting nutrients.


6: Sugar is the enemy NOT fat.

It’s highly addictive for the brain Cut it out & watch for hidden sugars in

tinned/packaged/processed food & drink.


7: Intermittent fasting for 18 – 22 hours is

useful tool to rest the digestive system & get the body utilising your fat for fuel.


8: Get a slow cooker & use your microwave less.

Microwaving food changes the molecular structure of food & damages nutrients.


9:Rotate your meats & fishes every day.

Don’t eat the same food day in & day out.


10: Limit alcohol if you want to get cortisol levels down. Alcohol raises cortisol. Drop the booze if you want to drop body fat.


11: Ditch cows milk.

Substitute with Almond or Hazelnut milk.


12: Positive thinking makes you thin! Change your thoughts & banish negative self chat.
 13: Fruit is the most heavily sprayed crop with pesticides. Pesticides cause toxicity, messes with your thyroid & hormones. Choose organic & seasonal if possible.


14: Good quality sleep is key for fastloss. Switch of all phones, stand by on TV & all electronic it items.