Choose the Right Foods

Many runners believe that exercise makes it okay to consume Chocolate, cheese burgers and soda.

However, these products are acid forming and artery clogging, they contain trans fat, and they’re highly processed.

While these processed and fatty junk foods are poor choices for anyone, they’re even worse for runners. Poor nutrition leads to chronic injuries, frequent sickness, and subpar performance. While a post-race cheeseburger and beer seems like a good reward, these actually hinder your running goals.

Because all exercise increases inflammation in the body, which can cause soreness and swelling, eating processed foods, which increase inflammation, is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Eating foods that decrease inflammation will help you recover faster and feel less sore.

The best option is to have a beer on special occasions only, and never after a long run.
If you’re hungry after a run, indulge in a healthy post-race snack. Some options include:

  • Avocado
  • Quinoa
  • protein
  • Brown rice
  • Lentils
  • Kale
  • banana
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

All of these foods help your body recover and become stronger for your next run.


Drink More Water

Your blood is 92 percent water, your brain is 75 percent water, your bones are 22 percent water and your muscles are 75 percent water. When any of these essential body components are dehydrated, you run slower, which is why hydration is important to maintain long before you lace up your shoes.

Becoming a better runner requires that you drink enough water throughout the entire day so when it comes time to run a new distance or tough route your body is prepared for it.

It’s important to note that while electrolytes are also critical to running, you should always get them from real food sources instead of commercial sports drinks—these are made with petroleum (from the artificial dyes), heavy sugars and other additives, all of which can hinder your efforts.

Get the electrolytes you need by making your own recovery drink: mix 1 tablespoon of organic chia seeds, 1 teaspoon raw honey, 1 tablespoon fresh organic lemon juice and 1/4 teaspoon Celtic sea salt into a reusable water bottle filled with filtered water.


Remember Strength Training

Strength training should be a part of everyone’s fitness routine but it’s especially important if you want to become a better runner. Many people worry that they’ll get bulky, but functional strength training is not body building. Functional strength training and functional movements are essential to keeping your body healthy and puts you at a lower risk for common running injuries.

Incorporate strength training into your routine with body weight exercises, like pushups, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), like METAFIT/ BOOTCAMPS, and light to moderate weights a few times a week.  

Improve your nutrition efforts, daily hydration, and weekly strength training to see improvements in your running. While running improvements don’t happen overnight, the results—better performance, improved energy and less recovery time—are all worth the effort it takes to get there.