Make sure that you are getting enough protein

Make sure that the protein that you are getting is of high quality. Without the proper amount of protein, your muscles will not only stop growing, but you will lose muscle as well. It is recommended that you need 1.75 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight every day.

You must constantly feed your muscles. 

Muscles are always working even when you are at rest. They are constantly doing one of two things: they are either building up, or breaking down. If they aren’t fed regularly they are breaking down, and the only way that they repair is by outpacing the breakdown process with the build up process. This requires the constant presence of protein. This is why body builders and athletes typically eat six meals a day.

Make sure that Your Protein is doing the right thing. 

If you consume nothing but protein, you will find that you aren’t growing and repairing the muscle. Instead, the protein is used for other body functions, such as turning into blood sugar for energy. It’s important to eat a well balanced diet include clean carbohydrates with your protein. This way the carbohydrates can be used as the fuel and the protein can be used to repair the muscle.

Your muscles are 70% water, and water is essential to their growth. 

Water is used to move the proteins through the muscles. You can do everything else right, but if you aren’t getting enough water your muscles simply won’t grow and repair. The rule of thumb is to drink one ounce of water for every gram of protein that is consumed.

Eating after your workouts. 

Eat a meal that is high in protein, with low-Glycemic carbohydrates within an hour after finishing your workout, not only does this help your muscles grow it also helps them to heal quicker.

There is a great deal more to learn about Nutrition but if you can follow some of these tips this should help see better results & repair the body ready for your next training session.