So as we head into spring there are obviously a few changes afoot the biggest one is Kelly disappearing for 2 months whilst she takes a well deserved break and I will be stepping into her shoes, running classes and all the background operations that a business has to do. We have had to make some changes to the timetable so that I can deliver sessions to everyone fairly.
For those of you that don't know me my name is Karen and I am a fully insured Level 3 Personal Trainer. I also have qualifications in Pre and Post Natal Exercise and Nutrition, Nutrition and Weight Management and Boxercise. I joined Bodyblast Bootcamp 4 years ago as an attendee to classes and then once I qualified as a PT I became part of the instructor team helping Kelly to deliver sessions at Gosport, Fareham and Portchester. I love the friendly and supportive atmosphere at all our group sessions and try to deliver a workout that is fun and effective as is the ethos of Bodyblast Bootcamp.

I am really looking forward to working regularly with everyone but at the same time it’s a huge responsibility and a big change from just doing my 3 mum classes a week, one bootcamp session and the odd PT client.

So why do it?

Well if we don’t change things up in our lives once in a while we can get stuck in a rut. Don’t get me wrong, I like routine but if we don’t step out of our comfort zone once in a while then life can become pretty dull. This can apply to all areas of our life whether it’s work, exercise even our nutrition. Our bodies can get used to the same diet and exercise and then we hit a plateau. If we don’t mix it up a bit then the improvements will stop or be so slight that they will be unnoticeable. So next time you’re at the gym, doing a run or a class, try a different way of training, up your weights or just do something totally different. If you’re not sure how or what to do then just ask somebody who does!

All our sessions offer a variety of workouts from HIIT to strength and conditioning, keeping your body guessing each week. So if you’re currently stuck doing the same program at the gym or bored of your weekly class doing the same routine each week then come along and give us a try. Your first session is free. For our regular attendees, what can you do differently in your session this week? Maybe it’s increase the intensity of an exercise eg. squats to squat jumps, maybe it’s run a bit quicker or try a Metafit workout if you haven’t done so before.
So try something new next week. Even if it’s not related to exercise, just do one thing that makes you step out of your comfort zone. The reward on the other side will be worth it!

Remember if you don’t want to embrace change and are happy to stay stuck in a rut then just hit the Unsubscribe button below.